Did you know that most of the material we use is considered discard for the traditional wood industry?

Here cracks, organic knots and roots are the highlight of the piece! Our main material is solid Amazon wood of sustainable forest management*, cooperating for the development and growth of nature without damaging it.

We are responsible for enhancing sustainable actions in Brazil and we are concerned with the origin of the wood used, so we seek certified raw material from sustainably managed forests.

By buying a product from Selva Hardwoods, you will be ensuring a noble destination for this raw material, fighting illegal deforestation, helping to create jobs in the Amazon and creating a better world for future generations!

Manual labor glorify us as workers. We are proud of what we do and of our daily achievements, and we are committed to learning and to continuous improvement.

Our duty as craftsmen is to deliver our best so that our products are the greatest and our customers are the most satisfied.

We work, we dedicate ourselves and we study to be specialists in this craft. Masters in the manufacture of artistic furniture in wood.


*Certified by IBAMA, nº 6447757

